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Where to Live on Camano Island

Camano Island is one of the largest islands in the Possession Sound portion of Puget Sound in Island County Washington. It's between the mainland and Whidbey Island although not as big as Whidbey. It's home to about 15,000 residents with a spike during the summer peak...

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Homes on Smith Lake – Camano Island

Smith Lake is a small lake located in northern Camano Island just outside of Livingston Bay. It's nestled northeast of the Camaloch Association Golf Course off of NE. Camano Dr. There's one entrance on McElroy Drive just north of the golf course. While there are...

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Homes for Sale Around Lost Lake

Lost Lake is a hidden gem in the center of Camano Island. Just south of W. Monticello Dr., which stretches east and west across Camano Island, is a small lake called Lost Lake. There is one primary entrance on W. Monticello Dr. Lost Lake Road heads south and winds...

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Are Inspectors Licensed in Washington State?

Getting a home inspection is putting a lot of trust into the person conducting the inspection. You are expecting this person to tell you the true condition of the home you are about to spend a huge sum of money on and live in. That is a big task and a lot of trust to...

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Do I Need My Own Agent When Buying?

Why a Buyer’s Agent? Time and time again I hear buyers say, why should I bother finding an agent to purchase my new home when I can just use the agent that lists the home?  The main problem with this scenario is that many buyers don’t realize that the listing agent’s...

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Do I Need a Real Estate Lawyer When Buying?

This is an unusual and uncommon request but I often get people asking whether they should hire a real estate attorney when purchasing a property. While real estate attorneys or real estate lawyers can actually facilitate a transaction, they're not necessary to about...

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May Events in Stanwood and Camano Island 2019

There are a couple of great events happening this May in the Stanwood area and on Camano Island. Touch a Truck The annual Touch a Truck event is here! This weekend, May 4th in downtown Stanwood from 10 am to 2 pm is the annual family fun event that brings a crowd....

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Buyers Frustration Over Low Inventory and High Prices

Pending sales are up but new listings are down across the Puget Sound area. Listings with mutually accepted offers (pending) reach their highest levels in January 2018 since back in 2005. This continues to repeat the same story that we’ve seen over the last year; low...

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Is Stanwood Camano Island?

Although I primarily work on Camano Island and call this place my home, Stanwood is just a stone's throw from the island... like literally. If you look at the island you'll see a small strip of water from the Stillaguamish River that separates Camano Island from the...

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5 Things That Can Affect Your Homeowners Insurance Rate

Homeowners insurance seems to be one of those forgotten things that we don't think about until we needed, have a claim, or it goes up and we realize this on our monthly mortgage statement. But just as with mortgages and even houses we should be able to shop around for...

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Using an Out of Town Agent to Sell Your House

I recently talked to a neighbor who had planned on selling their house and moving out of the country. They had been working on their house for several months, fixing up minor issues, redoing flooring and cabinetry, and spending a lot of time on small details that he...

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Regulations for Building a Home on Camano Island

Building a home on Camano Island is a wonderful undertaking, but there are some different regulations. We have geological and archeological rules about shoreline and setbacks so it's important to understand all the rules before jumping in. Some of the first steps:...

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The Great Northwest Glass Quest

Now in its 10th year, the Great Northwest Glass Quest is more popular than ever. Beginning on February 5 with a reception from 6 PM to 8 PM at the Camano Center, businesses will get their clue balls and prize glass balls and the public and meet the artists Mark and...

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3 Things Buyers Hate in Older Homes

3 Things Buyers Hate in an Older Home - And how to fix it! When it comes time to sell your property you want to be able to compete with the modern homes on the market today. Many buyers are seeing showroom homes and model properties that have the latest and greatest...

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6 Reasons You Can’t Sell Your Home Yourself

Every now and then a Camano Island homeowner decides to skip the real estate professional and try to sell their home themselves. True, some transactions are successful, but more often than not, they eventually hire a pro. Selling your home is undoubtedly complicated...

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Local Camano School Named “School of Distinction”

The Elger Bay elementary school in the Stanwood and Camano Island school district was named one of the top Schools of Distinction award winners. The Center for Educational Effectiveness named its 2018 School of Distinction award winners to school showing the most...

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3 Things You Should Do Now to Sell in January

Not many people are thinking about selling their home this time of year, but for those that are, you might be considering selling after the new year. This is a very common occurrence in many people consider selling but don't really think about selling until January 1...

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Listing Agent on Camano Island Washington

"I can't believe the hoops you have to go through in order to sell a house these days. We listed our house with a different agent that was unscrupulous. We fired him and proceeded to interview potential agents because we needed to sell our house as we were moving to...

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How to Sell Your House on Camano Island

Whether you have a luxury waterfront or water access home on Camano Island or a modest single-family home, buyers looking on Camano Island are doing so for a specific style of property. Buyers want the island lifestyle and are usually not drawn to Camano Island unless...

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