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Camano Island Beaches

Camano Island is bound to have dozens of beaches because, of course, we are an island. From parks and beaches to boat launches and trails, there are really endless things to do and see while exploring Camano Island beaches.

Camano Island Beaches

Iverson Trail Preserve

One of the islands best attraction is the Iverson Trail Preserve. The Iverson Spot is a hidden gem with activities like bird watching, beach combing, skim boarding and hiking. Located at 3 Iverson Rd at the north end of the island, Iverson is a day use park. Great place to spend the day!


Cama Beach State Park

On the west side of Camano is the Cama Beach State Park. This is a great location to stop and have something to eat at the Cama beach café, do a little fishing, beachcombing, or just enjoy the weather.


Camano Island State Park

Located just a little further south on the west side of the island is the Camano Island State Park. This beautiful beachfront Park features boating, hiking trails, forest loop trails, birdwatching, rock exploration, fishing, and sale boarding as well as providing beautiful views of Puget Sound, the Olympic Mountains, and Mount Rainier. This 244-acre camping Park features 6700 feet of rocky shoreline with picnic and days facilities, campgrounds, biking and hiking trails, amphitheater, water skiing, and swimming activities.

Check out the Hidden Gems on Camano Island

Additional Beaches, Neighborhood Beaches, and Residential Beaches with Listings Nearby

Tillicum Beach

This is a little more rustic and a smaller beach on the south-east side of the island. There is limited parking and it’s pretty quiet. This is located at 2909 S. Tillicum Beach Dr.

Arrowhead Beaches

Cavelero Beaches

Driftwood Shores

Elger Bay

Livingston Bay



South End


Utsalady Bay

There are also several boat launches around the island:

  • Cavalero boat launch
  • Maple Grove boat launch
  • Camano Island State Park
  • Cama Beach State Park
  • Camano Island yacht club

For more information on Camano Island Beaches and Homes with Beach Access, browse more of the website with these resources.

images by Joe Mabel [CC BY-SA 3.0 ( or GFDL (], via Wikimedia Commons | Cody Logan [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons