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A view home on Camano Island is not hard-to-find. The way that the island jets out of the Puget Sound leave room for many homes higher up offering stunning views of Saratoga Passage, Port Susan, Crescent Harbor and other areas around Puget Sound as well as views of the Olympic Mountains and Mount Rainier. Depending on where you choose a home, the view will always change. Whether you’re looking at the inland areas back to Warm Beach and Livingston Bay or on the west side overlooking Whidbey Island and the Olympic Mountains, some things never change. You’ll always find soaring Eagles along the coastlines regardless of where you are along with water views, rushing waves, and the sound of peaceful water.

View homes tend to go for little bit higher price than other homes non-view homes but you still don’t have to break the bank to enjoy a beautiful view. Homes with views started about $230,000 with stunning views or unobstructed Waterview starting at about $475,000. Of course, homes go all the way up to $2 and $3 million properties with large layouts and a lot of other amenities besides the view.

It also comes down to what view you are looking for. How far away do you want to be from the nearest freeway? If you don’t mind being way out of the way, consider South Camano Island in places like Bretland and Tyee Beach or the South End. Residential communities trickle off at the further down you go since you have to come all the way back up the island to reach the mainland. There are more view homes up by Camano, Madrona beach, and Utsalady, Which means that the mainland is less than 15 to 20 minutes.

For the best in view homes on Camano Island, start searching on my website for free. Because I have worked for years on the island I can help you find the right view home with the view you want.

Just Listed View Homes on Camano Island

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